

K, im finally getting a new computer. YAY!! But until then, about two weeks, give or take a few days, i dont have a computer. which means the great neglect of posting till then....sigh. O well, when i get it, its gonna kick some serious butt, casue im spending a small fortune on it! :P but until then....later!


Temporary Posting halt

Sorry, but my comp crashed, so im not going to be posting as much for a while. The time i usually write is around 11:00, and mom and dad wont want me on the downstairs comp... :-( I'll try to keep up with comments and such, but prolly no new posts on either blog for a while. Oh, and we sold our house.


Merry Christmas!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! I know, I know, the date on this post says i posted it on christmas eve, but so what? Its close enough; only an hour and 10 minuts away!! Wow, I'm thinking of trying to write a christmas letter type thing with this post, but im not sure....Ok, fine! ;-) Where to begin? Its been such an...eventful year, starting with the Dells trip in January. Yes, we went to the Dells as a family in january with a church group, and had a blast. We swam all day and played golf all night, but thats about all i can remember...lol. Next Big event was...hmmm, i dont know..maybe the fourth of July outing at McLeod's cabin? Yeah, we went as a church group again to One familily's Lake-side cabin. We spent three days tubing, tubing, and tubing. Yes, we did a LOT of tubing. Its my new favorite summer passtime too!I cant even remember doing much else other than watching Master and Commander one night....hmmm. Next event was the Church Campout in August. Yes, another church event. We have a lot of those, cause our church likes to do fun things as a group! That one was based on Volleyball mostly. Yeah, i know i said tubing is my fav summer thing to do, but its actually second to volleyball. Yup, we palyed volleyball and horseshoes during the day, and at night i played guitar as we sang soungs around the campfire. AWSOME MAN!! lol! next event....Family vacation!! That was cool, cause we went all the way to Kentuckey and back. Ill see about posting the pics i have...anyway, we went through the UP of Michigan, crossing over the Macinac Bridge, which is three miles long. KEWL, MAN!! Then we visited some friends in Mid-Michigan that we havent seen for a few years. Then we went on to Kentuckey and the Creation Museum. We camped at Big Bone Lick state park, a place i dont think ill ever forget, cause that is where we met the HANSONS!! We managed to park our camper inbetween two other Christian, Homeschooling families, one of which was the Hanson family. idk, u prolly know how it is meeting people camping. u spend the first day not talking at all, and then on the second, u actually start talking and get to know eachother. By the third day, one of u has to go, and u hate it. The same thing here, except i got an IM address from Cassidy, the oldest of three kids. SOOOO we talk almost daily trying to stay caught up. The best camping friends IV ever made!! lol! The creation museum was good too, btw. Then we started making our way back home. On the way we went to a place called Conners Prarie, which was one of those places where people are payed to got to this historic village and act like they live in another time period. That was, i think besides meeting hansons, my fav part of the vacation. It was so cool to see into that time period, (which was the early 1900s) cause I have always said that if i could live in another time period, it would be the early 1900s. Then we went home. lol During all of this, (meaning the events of the summer) Adam, John, Jake and I feebly tried to make a movie...which is still in halted progress...i hope i get it finished someday...oops. And that brings us up to christmas on the event horizion! ;-) Now for me, personally. This year in August i got my first real job as a Dietary Aide at Park View Nursing Home. Its really a great job, and i really enjoy it...and the pay is pretty good too! Some (ok, most) of my coworkers are a little(some a LOT) rough around the edges, but they are really fun to work with. The best part is that they respect what i believe, and try not to do things in front of me that they know would offend me. I dont think u can ask for better!! I also got accepted at UW-EC and I am goig there next fall, majoring in Computer Engineering. Its actually a very scary thought, me moving out next fall. whimper whimper. O well, God gives strength!!Other then that, my life has been pretty boring since school started...I really miss going to Dokime. Not that i dislike being homeschooled at all, I just miss being with all of u on a daily basis. The only peeps i hang out with now are my coworkers, and they are a rough bunch, so yeah. Other then that though, it has been a great year! I dont think i have neglected to mention anything important...Now, as with my other posts i have a request with this one too. Tell me what u got for christmas!! I will too...



lol, i've been asked why my letters are pink, so i thought id reply with an official post! I LIKE PINK!!!! lol


New Blog

Ahem, I have an announcement to make! I have created a new blog; a place for my freestyle writing. The link is here . You may find it interesting, you may not. Whatever floats u boat. But i am writing a story right now that some may find interesting, so i will keep it up for the time being. And now, my friends, I AM TIRED!!!!! So I am going to bed. Goodnight all!! lol



I know, iv been derelict in my posting as of late, so IM SORRY! lol, Well, where to begin? Ah, yes. The Dokime Christmas program. Even though i didnt hear most of it what i did hear sounded great! I really missed being up there. deep breath! there there, lol im weird. Anyway...the food was great, the socializing superb...the whole experience all around Dazzeling!! ;-) Hmm, what next? Am i moving too fast? as i re-read what i have posted, i feel like i just got picked up by a tornado and whisked 20 miles before being dropped 5 seconds later...wow. k, slooww down. Now, where was I? Ah yes! What is everyone doing for Christmas? We are just hanging around here, doin our own thing...but i know lotsa people go places and stuff like that, so whats up? Hmmm, anything else new to post about, i know its been a while....Oh yes! I want an opinion: Yes or No to more science stuff? I know i like it, but i have a feeling that it bores everyone else out of their skulls! ;-) So just let me know! Cause i have LOTS more!! lol There, was that slower for ya? haha


Turkey Day!!!!

Its that time of year again! EAT EAT EAT!!!! We all love it, dont we...get fat or die trying...lol, sorry. Im kinda going random here, cause i dont really have a posting plan for today...im just writing whats on my mind. Scary, huh? So, what is everyone's favorite food on thanx Giving? Comment and let me know...fav drink, desert, whatever u want. Today we wont eat till three, cause the Packer game isnt over 'till then...lol. We starve for the Pack!! 9-1 BAYBEE! oh my, i really do go wild w/o a plan...my goodness, i better pull myself together. I found out that i have to work on Christmas day, which kinda bites....oh we, u do what u have to. OH! We got a new puppy! Her name is Bailey! Isn't she SOOOOOO cute?! Shes only 4 pounds, so yeah. Cutie!! K, well I better go and do somthing useful, since this really isnt helping anyone...haha. Tell me what u think.



Hi everyone! This post is not based on science, rather it is an update on my ever hectic life so u all know why i haven't been posting. Where to begin....well, i've pretty much decided that im going to go to UW-Eau Claire for Computer Engineering next fall. I decided that $6000 a year is better then $33000. lol. Anyway, it is also a lot closer then Georgia or Texas..so yeah. Ummmm....School, work and Bible quizzing take up almost all of my time lately, leaving me precious few inactive minutes, which will only decrease when i begin Violin lessons again. Wooow. Im reading this realizing just how busy i really am. haha. Im kinda outta ideas to write about...not too much extraordinary happining lately...i guess i could add a science tidbit here. refer back to the previous diagram of a gravity well. see how the surface of space curves with gravity? What if a person could get a gravity force strong enough to create a very deep dent. Then two points of space that were very far apart are drawn close together in a pinching-like action. What would happen if a person could jump across the gap between the two points of pace? Transportation Technology? Think about it....
Anyway, i think this is enough for now, so i dont bore u any more...lol..have a good day! :-)


Black Holes and Wormholes Part 2: The Black Hole

After that big discussion on gravity, you are now ready to hear about black holes. As I said before, mass causes a "dent" in the fabric of space-time. This can be illustrated by this picture:
Any mass in the universe has this effect on the fabric of space-time. The greater the mass, the steeper the slant of the "walls". A black hole, though, is differant. It creates an infinite "tunnel" through space. There is no "bottom" to the "pit". Look at this pic:
As you can see, there is no bottom. As you can probably imagine, this creates a problem in physics. The straightest path through space in a black hole goes into nowhere. With normal object, the path either leads to a collision of the two objects, or an orbiting path. In a black hole, though, most paths lead into nothing. There is the small chance you can orbit, but where does everything else go? Please ask questions, because I have much more info that I can't quite figure out how to integrate. I will be posting more on this; I'm not done yet! ;-) There will be at least a part three!


Black Holes and Wormholes Part 1: Gravity

Finally, after many months of waiting and anticipation, I have completed my research and I am ready to give you the lowdown on all of this.

Black Holes are one of the most misunderstood things in our universe. Many people have no clue what to think when sombody says "black hole", and others picture a gigantic spacial tornado that sucks in everything in it's path. These, of course, are not true. That is why I am here! ;-) With my vast knowledge of astrophysics and Einstein's laws of special and general relativity, I can inform you of the way things really are. In order for me to explain Black Holes, though, you first need a correct understanding of gravity.

All of your life you have probably been told that gravity is a sucking force that causes things to be pulled toward the source of that gravity. This is not entirely true. Gravity, according to Einstein, is the result of mass warping space-time. Before I explain this, I have to make one key point: everything in the universe is trying to travel along the straightest line possible. Gravity, then is the effect of warping space-time. When space-time is bent, all straight lines are made to curve. This can be pictured by taking a sheet, streching it out, and putting a bowling ball in the middle. The bowling ball causes the sheet to sag in the middle, causing everything else that is on the sheet to roll towards the bowling ball. A planet has the same effect on space-time. The mass of the planet warps the space-time fabric, causing all of the Straight lines to become curves. That is what gravity comes from. I know this is very difficult to picture, and if you just can't figure it out, I may be able to find a picture somwhere to help. That's all for now, but the other parts are on the way...really...


Black Holes and Wormholes Research

Right now im working on researching my theories to makesure they are sound, so be ready soon for the full length post...


I Still Exist!!!

I am still alive, but I got thrown off after ACT. I'm back, and I'm getting ready for a new "discussion" on black holes and wormholes. I've been REALLY busy the last couple of days, and exepect to be for a while, so if I dont post for a while, That's why. L8ER!


Back to the plan

After all of those tangents, i'm going to be getting back to the real reason for this blog. I'm not sure what i'll talk about, but hey! I'll think of somthing. Later.

video HTML

Here is how to put that music video of "the fray- how to save a life" on ur blog. Go to youtube, find your video, and copy all of the text out of the small box that says "embed", go to customize, add page element on the bottom, then choose html/javascript. paste the code in the main box, and save changes. ur vid should be there on the bottom of the page. Enjoy!


WMV bar

Check out my new vid bar beneath my profile. I'll change the vid to somthing more sciency soon.... oh and mos, the vid bar won't work on firefox, so you'll have to use internet explorer if you want them to work. Excuse my html here....



Hyperspace Hypothesis

Here it is! The topic that has been bugging my mind for months now, and I'm finally putting it in writing! I'll go over the hyperspace theories behind Babylon 5, Star Wars, and Star Trek in that order, and then go over my thoughts on it.

Babylon 5:

In the Babylon 5 TV show, the universe is shown as a large sphere, with the outer edge being real space, or where we live. Hyperspace is the volume of the sphere, and can only be penetrated by using strong energy fields. When the Barrier is penetrated, an effect known as Quantum Tunneling occurs, and it is through this Quantum Tunnel that one would enter hyperspace. See the diagram below. The red line represents the distance one would have to travel in real space to get from the Milky way to Andromeda. The blue line represents hyperspace travel. The straight line into the center of the sphere is traveled instantly, so the only distance traveled is the small blue arc. This is considerably less distance than the red arc in real space, resulting in a dramatic decreases the travel distance between two objects. This idea of hyperspace does not involve going faster then the speed of light, but going a shorter distance.

In some ways, this idea of hyperspace is the most likely of any, because it does not involve the speed of light, which many scientists believe to be impossible to reach. On the other hand, there is no proof that the universe is like a sphere at all, so it may be all wrong in that way.

Star Wars:

In Star Wars, hyperspace is entirely differant. Hyperspace is achieved by going (way) faster then the speed of light. When a ship (say the Millenium Falcon) goes into hyperspace, it experiences a very rapid accelleration to the brink of lightspeed. The problem comes that lightspeed is unachievable by an object with mass. An object with mass may go above or below the speed of light, but may not go exactly the speed of light. Thus the weakest point of this theory. The ship somehow jumps from this subluminal (slower then light) speed to a superluminal (yup, you guessed it) speed, without ever hitting light speed. Obviously, we can't see a way that this would be possible, so it's kinda wierd. Anyway, once an object achieves superluminal speed, it is in hyperspace and is free to accellerate, most ships reaching several thousands of times the speed of light. This, unlike B5, does not involve shortening of any kind, but incredibly high speeds. Aside from the skipping of light speed, this idea would work, and if a way could be found to bypass light speed or go through it, this would be the easiest form of hyperspace travel.

Star Trek:

Star Trek has the simplest and least likely form of hyperspace travel. Actually, they don't use hyperspace all. The ships in Star Trek just accellerate to the speed of light, or a multiple of it, and travel at that speed. While this is simple, it is highly unlikely, as mass cannot travel at the speed of light.

Overall, I think that the B5 version of hyperspace is the most likely, as it follow more physical laws then the other two. I do believe that superluminal speeds are possible, if a device is invented to accellerate through light speed. So far, no man-made thing can accellerate to the speed of light. Scientists have gotten close, though, with particle accellerators. Anyway....I'm tired after all of that and i cant think any more, so if you can make any sense of it all, tell me what you think!


Hyperspace Hypothesis: Coming Soon

Soon I will be presenting my ideas regarding the controversial topic of hyperspace and light speed. This discussion will cover the types of hyperspace travel in Star Trek, Star Wars, and Babylon 5. Hopefully, this will be interesting to read...

Railgun Project: Corrected Diagram

Here is the corrected diagram. The current flows from the negative side of the power supply, through the projectile, and out through the positive wire. This creates a magnetic field that propels the projectile out of the barrel.


Railgun Project: Trial and Error

So far I've come across three problems: bad rails, and a small power supply. The rails need to have low magnetic memory, meaning that they don't retain a magnetic field after exposure to one. My rails, though, retained a HUGE magnetic field, so they didn't work. The problem with the power supply is that it is too small. It doesn't provide enough Volts or Amps to shoot a projectile out if the barrel. Right now when it shoots, the projectile welds to the rails, which is NOT good for the power supply. I may have a solution on hand for the power supply, namely a large transformer, but I'm not sure what to do about the rails. I guess I'll have to see what comes up! Back to the lab!

Railgun Project: Plan Phase Correction

I realized that my diagram for the railgun was fundamentally flawed, so please disregard it. I will try to post another (working) diagram later.


Railgun Project: Plan Phase

I am going to be starting work on a railgun project throught the next couple of days (or weeks....or months...). In short, a railgun uses an electrical current to create a magnetic field to push a projectile out of the barrel. The current is generated by a DC power supply run through a capacitor bank. IF this amounts to anything, I will upload some pictures, and maybe even a video. Here is the plan below:


Here we Go!

Greetings from Mars! The mad scientist is about to begin his ramblings on whatever he feels like! mwoohahaha! Anyway, stand by for more posts soon...