
Railgun Project: Trial and Error

So far I've come across three problems: bad rails, and a small power supply. The rails need to have low magnetic memory, meaning that they don't retain a magnetic field after exposure to one. My rails, though, retained a HUGE magnetic field, so they didn't work. The problem with the power supply is that it is too small. It doesn't provide enough Volts or Amps to shoot a projectile out if the barrel. Right now when it shoots, the projectile welds to the rails, which is NOT good for the power supply. I may have a solution on hand for the power supply, namely a large transformer, but I'm not sure what to do about the rails. I guess I'll have to see what comes up! Back to the lab!


pianochick_92 said...

Wow, so Andrew, are you seriously like working on this stuff? Wow.....seriously, I wouldn't have the patience to work on stuff like that,LOL. That's cool though. So what does the thingy do? Does it like make electricity more efficient or sumthing?

madscientist said...

Yes, I am like working on this ;-)!Actually, this is actually a kind of gun. It shoots it's bullets at incredibly high speeds, and can be used for all kinds of differant things. The main idea behind it is a combat weapon, but it could also be used as a space-launch device. It is a very interesting project to work on, but it is also quite difficult. Hopefully, I will be able to finish it without too many problems...and electrical burns...anyway, hope that explains it!

pianochick_92 said...

Wow, that's really cool,LOL