
More Posting on College Life...

People, I hve officially trumped my previous unintentional short-sleep record! As of two nights ago, I had only 1.5 hours of sleep. Yes, thats right, 1.5 hours. Hint of the day: "Dont put off a 7 hour long binary math assignment til the night before its due." lol
Anyway....haha so lets see....oh!! last weekend was basically like the best weekend EVER!! So im sitting in my room friday afternoon and Brandon (one of my friends) walks up and asks me if i want to go to a Milwaukee Bucks game that night! So of course i said yes and left in a half an hour for lacrosse. I love no-plan trips lol anyway, the game was awesome, cept the Bucks lost :( but whatever. Then we basically spent the rest of the night driving around this town called greenwood which is about 2 hours from lacrosse, doing crazy stuff like climbing a pavillion and starting a bonfire on brandon's driveway! :D Yea if u want to see pics u should be able to see them under pictures of my from others on facebook....let me know if u dont see any pictures of a playground! lol So yea i got back that day at 5am and slept about three hours before mom came and picked me up to go fishing with grandpa. I only caught one little 4in crappie, but it was still fun! then...well lets see...the packers won, the dodgers won, and the rays won!!!  all in all it was a good weekend lol. Then the week hit. :O Monday was ok...but monday night 2 other guys and i starte that binary math assignment at 9pm. We got done at 4:15AM! And of course in order to stay up that late we all had tons of caffiene. I dont know about the other guys, but i know i didnt fal asleep til about 5-530ish, and of course had to be up by 630. That sucked. THEN! i went to chemistry, and realized that in all of the hype about the binary math assignment, i had forgotton to study for a quiz in chem. Then OF COURSE he had to pick THAT quiz to be the hardest quiz iv ever seen. sooo that didnt help my chemistry grade at all. Well, that brings us up to today, and so far nothing has happened today, so lets hope it stays that way!!! Soo...i think that about does it for current events here, so ill talk to u all later!!!
Hang loose!!!


*Sigh* Sooo neglectful

Hello again everyone!! I apologize for being so neglectful of this whole blogging thing...in case you couldnbt guess, my life has become incredibly crazy in the last month. I mean INCREDIBLY crazy! Like, this week was homecoming, so all day every day there is stuff going on besides classes, so it gets pretty intense sometimes lol. But yea, we won the homecoming game today against oshkosh! WOOO!!!! 34-0! And it was really funny cuz after the game 6 of us went to Old Country Buffet for supper, and ran into the Oshkosh team....awkward!!! I have to say it was the most depressed looking group of guys i have ever seen lol cuz we OWNED them!! hahaha. anyway...OH!!! i forgot the Brewers game is on!!! *gets up and turns on the tv...literally :P*-----*returns 6 hours later after the brewers/phillies and Cubs/Dodgers games * YES!!!!! GO BREWERS!!!!! wooo!! lol sorry i have all of the sudden gotten very much into baseball. Sorry Raihala's, im not a twins fan. :P ANYWAY where the heck was i?? Well....i guess ill talk about classes. I seriously miss classical education. i mean SERIOUSLY. these classes seem so...cheap? i mean, im learning, but not NEARLY to the depth that i did at dokime or home. I really miss all of you a lot. :( Its hard having friends that run on a fraction of the thought depth that you do, if you know what i mean. :p So yea, we need to have a dokime reunion ok??? Oh and i discovered another truth. Your teacher can have a HUGE impact on how much you like a class AND how well you do in it :P. Yea, so sophmore year, i had chemistry and LOVED it! Like, it was my favorite subject in all of hs. NOW i havee almost the exact same class here, buuuuut...wow. I absolutly HATE it. It is the worst class i have. It doesnt matter how hard or how long i study, I just cant figure out my prof's quizzes. Hes a great guy, but he doesnt know how to teach. savvy? So even thought i understand everyhitng he is talking about, somehting is OBVIOUSLY not clicking when u look at my grades in his class. Yea, it sucks....but thankfully its the only one im having trouble with. everyhitng else is going great class wise. Wow...i just read over everyhting i have written so far, and i have used a LOT of all capital words!! ummm......i just did it again. im so dumb. maybe its cuz im really tired?? i stayed up till 330 last night and right now its 11:30 pm...so im kinda tired right now. What the heck kinda blog post is this anyway??? im basically writing what im thinking as i think it, which is really weird for me cuz i alwas think everyhting out b4 i say it. So yea..idk if i have anyhting else to say tonight so i hope u all are having a great time at school (as if :P) and i hope i can talk to u all soon!!! 
hang loose!!!