

K, im finally getting a new computer. YAY!! But until then, about two weeks, give or take a few days, i dont have a computer. which means the great neglect of posting till then....sigh. O well, when i get it, its gonna kick some serious butt, casue im spending a small fortune on it! :P but until then....later!


Temporary Posting halt

Sorry, but my comp crashed, so im not going to be posting as much for a while. The time i usually write is around 11:00, and mom and dad wont want me on the downstairs comp... :-( I'll try to keep up with comments and such, but prolly no new posts on either blog for a while. Oh, and we sold our house.


Merry Christmas!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! I know, I know, the date on this post says i posted it on christmas eve, but so what? Its close enough; only an hour and 10 minuts away!! Wow, I'm thinking of trying to write a christmas letter type thing with this post, but im not sure....Ok, fine! ;-) Where to begin? Its been such an...eventful year, starting with the Dells trip in January. Yes, we went to the Dells as a family in january with a church group, and had a blast. We swam all day and played golf all night, but thats about all i can remember...lol. Next Big event was...hmmm, i dont know..maybe the fourth of July outing at McLeod's cabin? Yeah, we went as a church group again to One familily's Lake-side cabin. We spent three days tubing, tubing, and tubing. Yes, we did a LOT of tubing. Its my new favorite summer passtime too!I cant even remember doing much else other than watching Master and Commander one night....hmmm. Next event was the Church Campout in August. Yes, another church event. We have a lot of those, cause our church likes to do fun things as a group! That one was based on Volleyball mostly. Yeah, i know i said tubing is my fav summer thing to do, but its actually second to volleyball. Yup, we palyed volleyball and horseshoes during the day, and at night i played guitar as we sang soungs around the campfire. AWSOME MAN!! lol! next event....Family vacation!! That was cool, cause we went all the way to Kentuckey and back. Ill see about posting the pics i have...anyway, we went through the UP of Michigan, crossing over the Macinac Bridge, which is three miles long. KEWL, MAN!! Then we visited some friends in Mid-Michigan that we havent seen for a few years. Then we went on to Kentuckey and the Creation Museum. We camped at Big Bone Lick state park, a place i dont think ill ever forget, cause that is where we met the HANSONS!! We managed to park our camper inbetween two other Christian, Homeschooling families, one of which was the Hanson family. idk, u prolly know how it is meeting people camping. u spend the first day not talking at all, and then on the second, u actually start talking and get to know eachother. By the third day, one of u has to go, and u hate it. The same thing here, except i got an IM address from Cassidy, the oldest of three kids. SOOOO we talk almost daily trying to stay caught up. The best camping friends IV ever made!! lol! The creation museum was good too, btw. Then we started making our way back home. On the way we went to a place called Conners Prarie, which was one of those places where people are payed to got to this historic village and act like they live in another time period. That was, i think besides meeting hansons, my fav part of the vacation. It was so cool to see into that time period, (which was the early 1900s) cause I have always said that if i could live in another time period, it would be the early 1900s. Then we went home. lol During all of this, (meaning the events of the summer) Adam, John, Jake and I feebly tried to make a movie...which is still in halted progress...i hope i get it finished someday...oops. And that brings us up to christmas on the event horizion! ;-) Now for me, personally. This year in August i got my first real job as a Dietary Aide at Park View Nursing Home. Its really a great job, and i really enjoy it...and the pay is pretty good too! Some (ok, most) of my coworkers are a little(some a LOT) rough around the edges, but they are really fun to work with. The best part is that they respect what i believe, and try not to do things in front of me that they know would offend me. I dont think u can ask for better!! I also got accepted at UW-EC and I am goig there next fall, majoring in Computer Engineering. Its actually a very scary thought, me moving out next fall. whimper whimper. O well, God gives strength!!Other then that, my life has been pretty boring since school started...I really miss going to Dokime. Not that i dislike being homeschooled at all, I just miss being with all of u on a daily basis. The only peeps i hang out with now are my coworkers, and they are a rough bunch, so yeah. Other then that though, it has been a great year! I dont think i have neglected to mention anything important...Now, as with my other posts i have a request with this one too. Tell me what u got for christmas!! I will too...



lol, i've been asked why my letters are pink, so i thought id reply with an official post! I LIKE PINK!!!! lol


New Blog

Ahem, I have an announcement to make! I have created a new blog; a place for my freestyle writing. The link is here . You may find it interesting, you may not. Whatever floats u boat. But i am writing a story right now that some may find interesting, so i will keep it up for the time being. And now, my friends, I AM TIRED!!!!! So I am going to bed. Goodnight all!! lol



I know, iv been derelict in my posting as of late, so IM SORRY! lol, Well, where to begin? Ah, yes. The Dokime Christmas program. Even though i didnt hear most of it what i did hear sounded great! I really missed being up there. deep breath! there there, lol im weird. Anyway...the food was great, the socializing superb...the whole experience all around Dazzeling!! ;-) Hmm, what next? Am i moving too fast? as i re-read what i have posted, i feel like i just got picked up by a tornado and whisked 20 miles before being dropped 5 seconds later...wow. k, slooww down. Now, where was I? Ah yes! What is everyone doing for Christmas? We are just hanging around here, doin our own thing...but i know lotsa people go places and stuff like that, so whats up? Hmmm, anything else new to post about, i know its been a while....Oh yes! I want an opinion: Yes or No to more science stuff? I know i like it, but i have a feeling that it bores everyone else out of their skulls! ;-) So just let me know! Cause i have LOTS more!! lol There, was that slower for ya? haha