
Black Holes and Wormholes Research

Right now im working on researching my theories to makesure they are sound, so be ready soon for the full length post...


I Still Exist!!!

I am still alive, but I got thrown off after ACT. I'm back, and I'm getting ready for a new "discussion" on black holes and wormholes. I've been REALLY busy the last couple of days, and exepect to be for a while, so if I dont post for a while, That's why. L8ER!


Back to the plan

After all of those tangents, i'm going to be getting back to the real reason for this blog. I'm not sure what i'll talk about, but hey! I'll think of somthing. Later.

video HTML

Here is how to put that music video of "the fray- how to save a life" on ur blog. Go to youtube, find your video, and copy all of the text out of the small box that says "embed", go to customize, add page element on the bottom, then choose html/javascript. paste the code in the main box, and save changes. ur vid should be there on the bottom of the page. Enjoy!


WMV bar

Check out my new vid bar beneath my profile. I'll change the vid to somthing more sciency soon.... oh and mos, the vid bar won't work on firefox, so you'll have to use internet explorer if you want them to work. Excuse my html here....



Hyperspace Hypothesis

Here it is! The topic that has been bugging my mind for months now, and I'm finally putting it in writing! I'll go over the hyperspace theories behind Babylon 5, Star Wars, and Star Trek in that order, and then go over my thoughts on it.

Babylon 5:

In the Babylon 5 TV show, the universe is shown as a large sphere, with the outer edge being real space, or where we live. Hyperspace is the volume of the sphere, and can only be penetrated by using strong energy fields. When the Barrier is penetrated, an effect known as Quantum Tunneling occurs, and it is through this Quantum Tunnel that one would enter hyperspace. See the diagram below. The red line represents the distance one would have to travel in real space to get from the Milky way to Andromeda. The blue line represents hyperspace travel. The straight line into the center of the sphere is traveled instantly, so the only distance traveled is the small blue arc. This is considerably less distance than the red arc in real space, resulting in a dramatic decreases the travel distance between two objects. This idea of hyperspace does not involve going faster then the speed of light, but going a shorter distance.

In some ways, this idea of hyperspace is the most likely of any, because it does not involve the speed of light, which many scientists believe to be impossible to reach. On the other hand, there is no proof that the universe is like a sphere at all, so it may be all wrong in that way.

Star Wars:

In Star Wars, hyperspace is entirely differant. Hyperspace is achieved by going (way) faster then the speed of light. When a ship (say the Millenium Falcon) goes into hyperspace, it experiences a very rapid accelleration to the brink of lightspeed. The problem comes that lightspeed is unachievable by an object with mass. An object with mass may go above or below the speed of light, but may not go exactly the speed of light. Thus the weakest point of this theory. The ship somehow jumps from this subluminal (slower then light) speed to a superluminal (yup, you guessed it) speed, without ever hitting light speed. Obviously, we can't see a way that this would be possible, so it's kinda wierd. Anyway, once an object achieves superluminal speed, it is in hyperspace and is free to accellerate, most ships reaching several thousands of times the speed of light. This, unlike B5, does not involve shortening of any kind, but incredibly high speeds. Aside from the skipping of light speed, this idea would work, and if a way could be found to bypass light speed or go through it, this would be the easiest form of hyperspace travel.

Star Trek:

Star Trek has the simplest and least likely form of hyperspace travel. Actually, they don't use hyperspace all. The ships in Star Trek just accellerate to the speed of light, or a multiple of it, and travel at that speed. While this is simple, it is highly unlikely, as mass cannot travel at the speed of light.

Overall, I think that the B5 version of hyperspace is the most likely, as it follow more physical laws then the other two. I do believe that superluminal speeds are possible, if a device is invented to accellerate through light speed. So far, no man-made thing can accellerate to the speed of light. Scientists have gotten close, though, with particle accellerators. Anyway....I'm tired after all of that and i cant think any more, so if you can make any sense of it all, tell me what you think!


Hyperspace Hypothesis: Coming Soon

Soon I will be presenting my ideas regarding the controversial topic of hyperspace and light speed. This discussion will cover the types of hyperspace travel in Star Trek, Star Wars, and Babylon 5. Hopefully, this will be interesting to read...

Railgun Project: Corrected Diagram

Here is the corrected diagram. The current flows from the negative side of the power supply, through the projectile, and out through the positive wire. This creates a magnetic field that propels the projectile out of the barrel.


Railgun Project: Trial and Error

So far I've come across three problems: bad rails, and a small power supply. The rails need to have low magnetic memory, meaning that they don't retain a magnetic field after exposure to one. My rails, though, retained a HUGE magnetic field, so they didn't work. The problem with the power supply is that it is too small. It doesn't provide enough Volts or Amps to shoot a projectile out if the barrel. Right now when it shoots, the projectile welds to the rails, which is NOT good for the power supply. I may have a solution on hand for the power supply, namely a large transformer, but I'm not sure what to do about the rails. I guess I'll have to see what comes up! Back to the lab!

Railgun Project: Plan Phase Correction

I realized that my diagram for the railgun was fundamentally flawed, so please disregard it. I will try to post another (working) diagram later.


Railgun Project: Plan Phase

I am going to be starting work on a railgun project throught the next couple of days (or weeks....or months...). In short, a railgun uses an electrical current to create a magnetic field to push a projectile out of the barrel. The current is generated by a DC power supply run through a capacitor bank. IF this amounts to anything, I will upload some pictures, and maybe even a video. Here is the plan below: